tim yousters fabulous surreal portraits
some photos form the current exhibition. whats been fun is having people in the photos come in to see their portrait, albeit minus the octopus, birds next or hole in their head.
some photos form the current exhibition. whats been fun is having people in the photos come in to see their portrait, albeit minus the octopus, birds next or hole in their head.
the tiny gallery with a big heart is back for coastival 2017 [18-19 february] with an exhibition of photographs and found object sculptures by jo holmes. expect a unique view of local seaside culture. the exhibition will open over the festival and run until easter.
the tiny gallery is having a breather right now, but were open to future ideas. watch this space.
our current exhibition, as the title suggests, is comprised of 300 little shiny fish made from porcelain and precious metals by iona calvert.
each unique fish bobbing on its own wire is for sale at £19.50 each with discounts for those wanting multiples or even a whole shoal. its a fascinating installation so please do pop in to have a look. it runs until the end of november.
what happens when artists from scarborough swap postcards with artists from hackney?
come and take a look.
a postcard to
an art exhibition prompted by the scarborough-hackney twinning for the london 2012 olympics . curated by dan whinney
23 july—14 september 2012
open mon—wed & fri 10am—5pm . free
featuring work by:
david ruston
katy goutefangea
jonathan bell
vickie bennett
joanne walton
read all about how the exhibition came to life at: http://apostcardto2012.tumblr.com/
tickle my fancy is a textile art installation by jan bee brown exploring the link between lace-making and sexuality. you can download the media release explaining the work here.
the exhibition runs until 2 july, 10-5 weekdays and lit up for peeking through the window until 10ish every night.
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